Your Name: Cheyenne Brooks

Grade Level: 12

School or Organization Name: Marymount School of New York
Co-Presenter Name(s): Eunice Daudu

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York City

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Students, Educators

Short Session Description (one line):

Describing a genetics project where we worked with Drosophila flies to find their genotypes.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

In our Molecular Biology class, we have been discussing genetics. We have been given Drosophila flies with a specific genotype and we are tasked to find the parent’s genotype through analyzing the phenotypes of their offspring. We will talk about our experience working in a lab-like setting with living organisms and what we have learned from the experience so far.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

Tags: 2017Research, 2017STEMProjects, 2017STEMTools

Views: 66

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I'm writing on behalf of the co-coordinators of the 2017 Student STEM + Entrepreneurship Conference. 

Your proposal looks great, so far! We only ask that you sift through the following tags and find the one(s) with which your presentation is most suited. Once you find that your proposal has been redirected to the "Accepted Proposals" page, please change your tags as appropriate.

We formatted the tags so that it lists the Description: Tag . 


Making, Design and 3d Printing: 2017Making

STEM Projects and Collaborations: 2017STEMProjects
STEM Tools: 2017STEMTools
Students and Social Media: 2017SocialMedia
Entrepreneurhsip: 2017Entrepreneurship
STEM and Social Justice: 2017SocialJustice
Research: 2017Research

Thanks for your cooperation. We're excited to be a part of your presentation!


Eunice Daudu and Gaby Palines

Co-coordinators of the 2017 Student STEM + Entrepreneurship Conference


I'm writing on behalf of the co-coordinators of the 2017 Student STEM + Entrepreneurship Conference. 

Your proposal looks great, so far! We only ask that you sift through the following tags and find the one(s) with which your presentation is most suited. Once you find that your proposal has been redirected to the "Accepted Proposals" page, please change your tags as appropriate.

We formatted the tags so that it lists the Description: Tag . 


Making, Design and 3d Printing: 2017Making

STEM Projects and Collaborations: 2017STEMProjects
STEM Tools: 2017STEMTools
Students and Social Media: 2017SocialMedia
Entrepreneurhsip: 2017Entrepreneurship
STEM and Social Justice: 2017SocialJustice
Research: 2017Research

Thanks for your cooperation. We're excited to be a part of your presentation!


Eunice Daudu and Gaby Palines

Co-coordinators of the 2017 Student STEM + Entrepreneurship Conference

May we plant a tree in your honor, Cheyenne?



STEM + Entrepreneurship


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