Your Name: Ben Neeman
Grade Level: 8
School or Organization Name: JHS 157 Halsey, NYC
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York City, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): People who text or want to increase their speed and texting lingo knowledge
Short Session Description (one line): How a project done for a technology contest came to life.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Welcome to L2T (Learn to Text) an app that I created, designed and made for a contest. It was made in a basic Mozilla App Maker and I was able to get it to sort of function. I won the national grand prize from Mouse Squad. I took this creation to Emoti-con were I was able to share my app with other techies from NYC. I was approached by a woman who is the president of a technology firm that produces apps and I worked there last summer for two weeks and we are almost ready to put it in its first version on the Google Play store.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Tags: 2016EdTechTools, 2016Entrepeneurship, 2016Making, 2016SoicialMedia
Please use the tags mentioned in the strands. We'd appreciate it.
Hello I am not sure how to update my proposal.
Here are the strand tags you were asking for:
2016 Making
2016 Ed Tech Tools
2016 Social Media
2016 Entreprenuershop
got it. thanks
my proposal is updated.
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