Your Name: Sophia Durso
Grade Level: 9th
School or Organization Name: Avenues the World School
Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York, New York
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Gamers, and game programmers
Short Session Description (one line):
Go through the steps of building something like the well-known Doodle Jump game.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
How can I build a game where a character can bounce off of moving platforms, much like Doodle Jump? This was the question I asked myself when coming up with the design question for my Intro to Programming project. Much harder than I thought, I wrote the code in JavaScript in a period of two months. In this session, I'll go through the steps of how to make this game.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Tags: 2015Making, 2015Projects
Fantastic! Excited to attend!
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