Your name: priyanka
Grade level: 10 b
School or organizer name: kamla Nehru public school
Co-presenter name: diksha
Area of the world from which you will present: India
Language in which you will present : English
Target audience: students, teachers
Short description (one line): technology – inspiring students to learn
Full description:
Internet usage in the classroom has come a long way in the last decade. Today’s teachers are expected to be proficient with new technologies and implement new teaching strategies that are designed around the Internet-based lessons. While students in elementary and middle schools around the world have never known a world without the Internet, the same cannot be said for all classroom teachers.
Social media and the Internet can help you connect with other classrooms around your state, country, and the world.
I think that Using Social Media in the Classroom may provide both an overview of different types of digital technologies as well as constructive guidance on how to safely and intelligently use them as tools for learning.
v I think that Technology can be best weapon which we can use to change the world
The best example is this conference where technology is acting as an intermediate between students around world
According to my view there are many ways in which social media can benefit the students and the professional development. Let the ideas and suggestions below inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone and explore sites that can enrich our life and our your effectiveness in the classroom
v Making Class blog could be first step towards innovative use of social media in the class
So let’s move with time –let’s move with technology
Tags: 2016socialmedia
good attempt .i like your idea
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