Your Name and Title: Nicole Tucker-Smith, “Spreading Innovation in Education: Misconceptions and MVPs”
School or Organization Name: Lessoncast Learning
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Baltimore, MD, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Administrators, PD Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Innovative Teachers
Short Session Description (one line): This session will discuss challenges and solutions to spreading effective, innovative ideas that truly enhance student learning experiences.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): There are lots of examples of schools and communities that are trailblazing paths and doing amazing work to enhance student learning opportunities. The challenge is how do we get effective, innovative ideas to spread so that any learning community anywhere can find and apply new practices in a way that works for their students. This session focuses on several common misconceptions that hinder the spread of innovative ideas in education and offers a few examples of education MVPs (acronym to be defined in the session) that were used to share and spread new practices. Content will include sharing resources and ideas related to personalized learning, literacy, and Common Core.
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