Rethinking learning through educational time, space and technology

Your Name and Title: Melda N. Yildiz, Faculty

Library, School, or Organization Name: Kean University

Co-Presenter Name(s): Invited teacher candidates

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New Jersey, USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Teacher Candidates, Teacher Educators, K12 Teachers

Short Session Description (one line):

In this presentation, we will rethink learning spaces, recess time and educational technologies in K12 classrooms while deconstructing the curriculum and showcasing the best practices in in Teacher Education.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

This presentation presents classroom research that addresses the brain based research, classroom management strategies as well as global competencies and 21st century literacy skills and the integration of these skills into teacher education programs. 


The presentation:

  • argues the challenges and advantages of rethinking the recess time as well as time for reflection and thinking, learning spaces and educational material and technology in redesigning  curriculum for the 21st century classrooms;
  • introduces the use of innovative technologies in developing global competencies in teacher education;
  • highlights the role of brain-based research in developing K-12 lessons,
  • demonstrates creative strategies and possibilities for engaging teacher candidates in deconstructing curriculum and standards;
  • investigates the innovative resources and curriculum such as Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), project based learning, gallery walk (museum approach to teaching), Augmented Reality in developing inclusive classrooms, wikibook projects and interactive games as a means to promote heutagogy among teacher candidates;
  • outline the best practices, assessment tools, educational technologies and curriculum models;
  • showcases teacher candidate’ innovative curriculum projects across content areas (e.g. math, geography, world languages, cultural studies) in P-12 curriculum across content areas.

A pedagogy of plenty provides a media literacy-rich learning environment containing a wide variety of high-quality resources and exposes students to an inquiry-based approach to instruction and emphasizes best models of teaching and learning. By conducting this participatory action research (PAR), we (a) engaged the teacher candidates in inquiry into their own practice as well as deconstructing K12 curriculum in order to develop "Pedagogy of Plenty," (b) promoted critical reflection in a collaborative learning environments. Results underscore the importance of teacher candidates critically reflecting to gain insights into teaching and student learning as they are engaged in action research. In participatory action research curriculum, participants are encouraged to learn through a process where they reflected and generated their own questions and integrate new ideas into their lesson plans and classroom practice. 


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Tags: education, teacher

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