Your Name: Teresa MacKinnon (French Tutor, H.E)
Grade Level: n/a
School or Organization Name: Uniersity of Warwick
Co-Presenter Name(s):Gertrud Kiss (y2, H.E. sociology student)
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: UK
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s):all sectors
Short Session Description (one line):An example of students sharing learning strategies online
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
There is much to learn about navigating the digital, even for our students – the so called digital natives. Although many are familiar with using online environments their techniques for applying this to learning are rarely visible to their tutors.
This presentation will show how collaboration and explicit sharing of learning strategies by Higher Education students of French language can support a better understanding of the process of digital sharing. This project shows how using a Mahara e-portfolio can increase confidence and technical skills through a Community of Practice for French and English language learners and clarify Open Educational Practice (OEP) for their teachers. Language learners co-create, co-curate and respond to resources as an integrated practice forming part of their study. The project aims to increase awareness and application of Creative Commons licencing and provide an opportunity for tutors and students alike to become better digital citizens. At the heart of their exploration is the notion of reciprocity, one of 7 principles posited by Chickering and Gamson to be significant to improving undergraduate education.
Chickering, Arthur W.; Gamson, Zelda F. (1987) Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. AAHE Bulletin Mar 3-7 Retrieved from
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Strand: 2016projects
Thanks Lucy, all done.
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