Multilingual Multicultural Multimedia: Globally Connected Mobile Learning Projects

Your Name: Nargiz Bagirova <>

Grade Level:  University Student

School or Organization Name: Baku American Center, New York Institute of Technology

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Rashid Aliyev,

Melda N. Yildiz,

Nadya Moosa <>

Ferqana Isayeva,

Ulvi Shukurzade <>,
Sayad İbrahimov <>,
Anar Rustamli <>,,
Tural Hemidov <>,
Aghababa Baghirov <>,,
"A. Gün" <>,,,

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Azerbaijan, USA

Language in Which You Will Present: Azerbaijani, Russian, English

Target Audience(s):  University Students, Entrepreneurs, Edupreneurs

Short Session Description (one line): This session showcases E-Debiyyat (E-literature) project that was co-developed and co-designed by students in Baku American Center in Azerbaijan and New York Institute of Technology in USA.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

In this session, students will share their experiences on collaborating on E-debiyyat project. The goal of this transdisciplinary project is to develop a research-based globally connected Multilingual Multicultural Mobile app that promotes world literature, history, and culture among K12 students. By collaborating with our graduate and undergraduate research students in this project, we infuse 21st-century skills and develop global literacies through project-based learning activities in the K12 classroom while collaborating in-service and pre-service teachers. Baku American Center and NYIT students in the project not only collect and analyze data and develop educational apps but also advance their own learning and contribute new understanding to the global scientific community. There are three main outcomes of this open-source and multiplatform project:

  1. Educational app that is replicable and publishable in mini book format and open to public to collaborate and contribute to an online digital library repository.

  2. Student and teacher-tested, research-based Global Curriculum Library Toolkit that can be used in K12 classrooms.

  3. GoSTEAM projects that promote international collaboration, co-publications and co-presentations between students and faculty in NYIT and Baku American Center, Azerbaijan. 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

Tags: 2017Entrepreneurship, 2017Making, 2017Research, 2017STEMProjects

Views: 135

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I'm so looking forward to this session. Best of Luck!!!

May we plant a tree in your honor, Nargiz?



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