Your Name: Jennifer Horwath, Elizabeth McKinney
Grade Level: K12
School or Organization Name: Walden University
Co-Presenter Name(s): Walden University Students, Melda N. Yildiz, Julius Wangiwang, Eastern International College
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New Jersey, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): K12 Teachers, Media Specialists, Technology Coordinators
Teacher Educators, Librarians and Higher Ed Faculty
Short Session Description (one line):
This session is for educators who would like to integrate multilingual, multicultural and multimedia resources into their classroom.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
This session is for educators who would like to integrate global education, 21st Century teaching skills ( and new media technologies into their curriculum. It outlines accessibility tools and resources for K12 classrooms, showcases innovative multilingual and multicultural multimedia projects using mobile technologies and social interaction media. This participatory presentation outlines the role of global education and media education in K12 curriculum; offers creative strategies and possibilities for integrating mobile technologies such as GPS devices into teacher education; explores new media and technologies in K12 curriculum; examines the role of media production in K12 classrooms while developing globally connected multilingual multimedia projects integrating global competencies and 21st century skills; highlights exemplary culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy and instruction.
Session Activities:
The format is to showcase projects, interactive group discussions, deconstruction exercises evaluating educational media resources, and a discussion of the research findings that is based on participants’ experiences using new media. The presentation slides and the online resources will be posted on the website ( as a reference for the audience and for the future collaboration among our conference participants.
The main goals of our session are: (1) to promote culturally and linguistically responsive curriculum that integrates global literacy, and 21st century skills; (2) to share our experiences, reactions, discoveries, and experiences while developing Multilingual Multicultural Multimedia projects across content areas (e.g. math, geography, cultural studies); (3) to identify innovative and globally connected activities, exercises, and assessment strategies that transform K12 education; (4) to investigate the role of multiple literacies (e.g. information, technology, geography, media literacy) and the use of new technologies (mobile tools such as GPS, tablet PCs, robotics) in developing global competencies and 21st century skills; and (5) to exchange ideas, assessment tools, and curriculum models among participant in order to promote inclusive, transformative and heutagogical teaching models in teacher education.
Theoretical Framework:
This presentation outlines to role of global competencies in K12 education by aligning local, national, and international standards and frameworks such as 1) International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). 2) Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). 3) Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). 4) Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21). 5) Council of Chief State School Officers’ (CCSSO) and Asia Society Partnership for Global Competencies. 6) National Center on Universal Design for Learning at Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST).
This presentation will accomplish three main goals: (1) promoting culturally and linguistically responsive curriculum through developing global competencies and media literacy skills for K12 students; (2) describing teacher candidates' reactions, discoveries, and experiences integrating new media and telecommunication tools; and (3) showcasing participatory multimedia projects that teacher candidates created using mobile technologies.
In our participatory action research (PAR) projects, we explored a wide range of meanings participants (in-service and pre-service teachers) associated with global media activities; the impact of mobile technologies in developing multicultural and multilingual curriculum in teacher education that promotes transdisciplinary translational transformative research projects; the ways in which participants responded to participatory action research projects in their course work and professional development activities; and how they gained alternative points of view on global issues and renewed interest and commitment to global education.
In conclusion, the main goal of this presentation is to draw on the natural link between global education and teacher education. We will explore how a critical approach to the study of new media combines knowledge, reflection, and action to promote educational equity; and prepares new generation to be socially responsible members of a multicultural, democratic society.
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Tags: 2016EdTechTools
Hi, Ms. Yildiz!
We appreciate your enthusiasm for the conference! Unfortunately, we only accept proposals from students. Professors may, however, co-present with any students eager to present the topic. We hope you share this opportunity with the students of Walden University! If you have any further questions feel free to contact me. Otherwise, tell us if you wish to resubmit the proposal with a student.
Thank you!
Gaby Palines
Co-coordinator of the Student Technology Conference
Thank you Gaby. Of course, my students would love to present. I will put their names to the proposal.
Peace, Melda
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