Your Name: Tanmay R.

Grade Level: Gap Year (2015)

School or Organization Name: Ankhor Inc.

Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: U.S.A. (New Jersey)

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): High-school students, Broader education community

Short Session Description (one line): A conversation about how high-school students can create initiatives in Education Technology that benefit our education ecosystem. 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Aside from teachers, students have the strongest capability to positively impact the education ecosystem that they are a part of (and truly exists for them!) High-school students, especially, being at the top of the K-12 system have the most knowledge, experience and skills in order to catalyze making a difference. Entrepreneurship has become a large part of our modern world due to the rise and fame of Silicon Valley and it's "Startup Culture." At the same time, it's been realized that companies can often work towards social goals, not just goals of profit. This so-called "social entrepreneurship" is creating organizations that are doing a world of good in diverse fields like healthcare, minority rights and of course education. Social entrepreneurship is coming to a younger and younger age (that old adage "13's the new 30" comes to mind) and it should. Especially in education, where we've established that students can drive change from within the system. How can this be done? What kinds of ideas can be explored? Let's have that conversation....

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

Tags: 2016EdTechTools, 2016Entrepreneurship

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Hi Tanmay,


Tanmay sounds like an Indian name!!

Yuktha will connect with you (she too is at #stutech2016 and have a discussion nay ‘conversation about how high-school students can create initiatives in Education Technology that benefit our education ecosystem’. 

I am a member of Hello Little World Skypers while Yuktha is a HLWS Junior. I am Yuktha’s mentor. Yuktha too is presenting at #stutech2016.

I run Social Networking Homes: I help students connect with their peers from homes, under the moderation of parents. Schools alone cannot connect to globalize their students - our students are asleep when you are at school!

After this conference, we shall arrange Yuktha’s school to interview you online – to learn, to grow together, to collaborate and share experiences.

Thank you for proving “13 is the new 30”!!

Accolades to People from Keralatoo shall contribute there, thanks to your initiative!

Hi Sebastian, 

Yes, it is-I am originally from there! 

It was great reading about HLWS and SNH, thank you for sharing! Thank you also for your interest in Ankhor. It would be great to have students from Kerala take part. Please PM your contact details so we can get in touch and discuss how we can involve them. 

Looking forward to speaking, and thank you for your support!


Dear Tanmay,

Thank you for your interest in cooperative learning!!

My Skype ID: sebastianpanakal


Hope to learn together...


STEM + Entrepreneurship


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