One idea may be in the realm of year round study.No more summer vacations is what most people think of when they hear the phrase 'year round education'. But is that all that the concept embodies? Is year round education a reform that will greatly increase student learning? Or is it another attempt to oversimplify the problems with education?
Schools in America operate on a 10-month system. This was established when the United States was still a largely agrarian nation. Children were often needed to work in the fields during the summer. Obviously times have changed today. Many people advocate doing away with this 'antiquated' system and moving to year round education. What exactly does this phrase mean? Generally, it means that schools will continue to operate on a 180 day system, yet they will spread these days out differently with shorter breaks between each term. The most popular example of year round education is the 45-15 plan. This has students attending school 45 days and then getting three weeks (15 days) off. The normal breaks (holiday, spring) are still built into this calendar. Then a comparison can be made of all student's writing between those who take the summer of and those who are engaged the full year.